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Warm congratulations on the success of the 2023 BETO Superhard Materials Production Center Job Skills Competition


In order to improve employees' job skills and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, we discover and train a group of job skills pacesetters, set learning examples, and then comprehensively improve the company's employees' operational skills and quality levels. With the full promotion of the Superhard Materials Production Department, the Quality Control Department and the Production Management Department, and with the active cooperation of the Administration Department, Human Resources Department, Research Institute and other departments, BETO Company began preparations and organizations on October 23, 2023. A tense and fierce job skills competition.

This skills competition has a total of nine competition events including cold pressing, sintering, rope braiding, injection molding, vulcanization, mixing and granulating, inspection, special inspection, and equipment maintenance. Nearly 200 colleagues participated.

In order to carry out the competition fairly and justly, this skills competition invited 14 technical engineers, quality supervisors and equipment supervisors from the Superhard Materials Research Institute, Quality Control Department and Superhard Materials Production Department to serve as referees for this competition. Question, review. At the preliminary theoretical assessment site, all participants arrived on time and answered quickly within the limited time, fully demonstrating their solid theoretical foundation.


At the actual competition site, after intensive pre-match preparations, all contestants were ready to go. After each judging panel announced the competition requirements, the participating team members were meticulous and completed their respective competition projects quickly while ensuring quality. The judges scored the contestants' practical procedures on the spot, pointed out the contestants' shortcomings, and also provided hands-on demonstration and guidance so that the contestants could fully understand and master more skills.




Through the exciting competition in the preliminary and semi-finals of the entire skills competition, the contestants fully demonstrated their superb skills. The judges also upheld the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, so that the various skills competitions were successfully completed and the first prize was finally selected. 9 winners, 10 second prize winners, 20 third prize winners, and 12 incentive prize winners. At 8:10 a.m. on December 6, the award ceremony of this job skills competition was successfully completed in the bright morning sun. The company's deputy general manager Mr. Tang, Director Fan of the Superhard Materials Production Department, Director Tong of the Quality Control Department, and Production Department were invited. Director Dong of the Management Department and Director Chen of the Human Resources Department presented awards to the winners.











The significance of this competition is not only to let everyone focus on learning and working hard to practice skills, but also to discover some shortcomings that everyone usually ignores during the competition, so that everyone can set a learning example and improve their self-awareness. Learn to focus on key points and break blind spots, thereby improving employees' quality awareness, providing customers with better products and services, and working hard to build a better tomorrow for BETO and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


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